⚠️ Notes

This is a very early prototype with no long-term plans outside of building the core gameplay loop. I would love any feedback on the prototype as it progresses.

This project is source available. All assets and scripts are available in the public GitHub repository. Third-party dependencies are kept in a private submodule, however they will be listed in the project README.md file.

🎮 Controls (Keyboard/Gamepad)

WASD/Left-Stick: Move Player
QE/Right-Stick: Rotate Camera (Or rotate player when aim locked)
Space/A: Jump (Hold to jump higher)
Shift/Left-Trigger: Aim-Lock (Makes camera face player direction, and movement relevant to player direction. Hold to maintain aim lock.)
X/D-Pad Down: Change Camera Zoom

📖 Overview

Vaults & Vampires is a platform adventure game. The moment-to-moment gameplay is inspired by platform adventure games such as Conker's Bad Fur Day and Banjo-Kazooie. The game will also feature mechanics and themes inspired by tabletop role-playing games.

The primary goal for this project is for me to evaluate and become familiar with various Unity assets that I would like to integrate into my future workflows. This project will also serve as a way for me to test game development workflows and establish pipelines for asset creation.

Development log

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